Bhavya, Blogging Challenge, Ishithaa, NaBloPoMo Jan 2014, UBC Jan 2014, Write Tribe

Shmall Shoe Shtory

Those tiny teeth shone through between the dimpled cheeks and the rosy lips. They were more than enough to make anyone lose their heart and fall in love with the person to whom those pearls belonged to. The muddy hands, the bruised knee and the dishevelled hair had their own tale to narrate.How could she… Continue reading Shmall Shoe Shtory

Blogging Challenge, Meme, NaBloPoMo Jan 2014, UBC Jan 2014

Lazy Post

My creative cells have gone on a strike for some-days now. As I am not a planned or scheduled blogger, nothing is there in my drafts except for some incomplete scribblings, which I don't even want to see now. That's when friends come to help. So for an Uninspiring (lazy) day, I am taking a Meme. Saw this… Continue reading Lazy Post